Dawn of third
This is primarily a documentation of the history offered by the Ra material and other metaphysical sources. It must be emphasized that although this information can be intriguing, it is transient. The important aspects are the choices that were made in the beginning and the reverberations felt still today.
Timing and population
Yahwehan man’s third-density cycle on Earth began upon transfer from Mars 75,000 to 76,000 years ago. 9.11–13 Additional Blue Planet inhabitants at that time included native humans and immigrants from other spheres, according to Ra and Q’uo:
- Mars’ third density
Midway through Mars’ third-density cycle, 20.19 30.14bellicose actions caused such difficulties in the atmospheric environment of their planet that it became inhospitable.
9.10 2022 2006 1982Yahweh transferred the population of Mars to planet Earth to continue their third-density experience.
2023 9.6 - Natives of Earth’s second density
Prior to the Yahwehan influx, these third-density Earthlingscontinued to incarnate and live lives that were of a nature of a tribe or clan, seemingly unchanged from second density.
2006 14.3 19.5 19.8 20.18 1997 - Entities from other planets
An additional source of Earth’s new human population wasother planetary spheres, whose entities chose this planetary sphere for third-density work.
20.20 Some were beginning their first third density; others came to Earth to repeat third density. 6.13 10.6
The immigrants from the Red Planet comprised half of Earth’s human population at the beginning of this third density cycle, according to the Ra material. The other half was split between entities from other planets and native Earthlings. 20.20 As Ra states,
You are not all one race or background of beginning. The experience you share is unique to this time/space continuum. 6.13
Natural body form
The ape-human or bipedal human form has been the popular third-density body among the Sun’s sub-logoi during this time, per the Ra material, 90.12 Eracidni Murev Te, 132 and L/L Research conscious channeling sources Q’uo 2017 and L/Leema. 1985
Eracidni Murev Te states that the human form is the primary physical form in which individuations of Yahweh incarnate.
132 Q’uo states that the erect ape form
has been used for third density throughout this solar system, including on Earth, Mars, Maldek, Venus and Saturn 2017 — though the last two we find dubious.
(Another third-density body form, the cetaceans, includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Their self-consciousness is discussed by Q’uo, 2009 Latwii, 1981 and other metaphysical sources, including the Michael Teachings, Seth, S.730 Lyssa Royal’s Prism of Lyra, and The Only Planet of Choice.)
The physical vehicle — whether biped or cetacean or any other format, presumably — must facilitate the evolutionary requirement for third-density entities, according to Ra:
There is one necessity for third density. That necessity is self-awareness, or self-consciousness. In order to be capable of such, this chemical complex of body must be capable of the abstract thought. Thus, the fundamental necessity is the combination of rational and intuitive thinking. This was transitory in the second-density forms operating largely upon intuition which proved through practice to yield results.
The third-density mind was capable of processing information in such a way as to think abstractly and in what could be termed
uselessways, in the sense of survival. This is the primary requisite. 19.11
The Complex Mind explores the formative event
2021 of the division of the mind and implementation of the veil.
Ra mentions other important ingredients
of the ape-human form, including a weaker physical vehicle
and increased physical dexterity
of the hands: 19.11
- Opposable thumb
Ra and Q’uo both emphasize the opposable thumb asthe salient feature.
2017We also have the supposition that the so-called opposable thumb was looked upon as an excellent means of intensifying the veiling process so that rather than rediscovering the powers of the mind the third-density entity would, by the form of its physical manifestation, be drawn to the making, holding, and using of physical tools.
90.12 2006 - Bipedal, erectile movement 9.15 1985
The transitionfrom the quadrupedal positioning of limbs to the erect position
1986 freed the hands for manipulation of the physical environment and positioned the chakras perpendicular to the earth. - Weaker, more vulnerable body
Ra states thatthe weakening of the physical vehicle, as you call it, was designed to distort entities towards a predisposition to deal with each other.
This interaction is desirable becausethe quickest way to learn is to deal with other-selves. This is a much greater catalyst than dealing with the self.
19.13 Ra specifies the loss of body hair and the need for protective clothing as examples of the weakening of the body 19.9 which made self-sufficiency possibleonly through difficulty and deprivation.
19.13 - Head structure
Modifications to the head involvedthe changing of the structure of the neck, jaw, and forehead in order to allow the easier vocalization, and the larger cranial development characteristic of third-density needs,
19.9 according to Ra.Speech taking complete precedence over concept communication or telepathy
was a desired effect. 90.12 - Mental
The mind required the capacityto think abstractly,
19.11 as detailed above. The changes to the body and mind involvedsensitivity of all the physical senses to sharpen the experiences, and the strengthening of the mind complex in order to promote the ability to analyze these experiences.
18.19 2006
Third density marks the farthest apparent separation from the All, and the personal body and the extended body (i.e., the physical environment) are key to this experience. Ra characterizes the bodily and mental changes as further intensifying the veiling process,
90.12 so that the means of discovering the other self nature of all entities surrounding such entities is enhanced,
2017 according to Q’uo’s elaboration.
Similar to Ra’s description of a weaker physical vehicle to encourage the use of the mind,
19.11 Spirit Wisdom II speaks of the body’s vulnerability as an intentional design: Humanity is unique in that it is given a maladapted body for the planet on which it lives, which forces creative adaptation and use of tools and materials to fashion shelter and clothing, acquire food, and so on,
writes channel Ramón Stevens. This requires a region of the probable brain devoted to intellect, to decision making, to creativity, to projecting the consequences of actions: in short, human thought.
The body evolves in sync with the Earth’s own evolution, per Spirit Wisdom II. The human experience through time rides atop a gradual acceleration of Earth’s core frequency,
Stevens states, which in turn slowly accelerates the body’s core energies. As the body accelerates, it becomes less dense, less bound to matter, and therefore nudges closer to the frequencies of sound and light.
Ra, too, describes a gradual evolution in which Earth’s native body naturally took on the characteristics required for third density. There were among those upon this second-density plane those forms which when exposed to third-density vibrations became the third-density
human entities, 19.9 Ra states, a change which occurred within a generation and one-half.
19.10 With the 900-year life span of the time, 20.12 according to Ra, the second- to third-density transition lasted 1,350 years. 40.7
Ra considers this transition to be very short, in our terms at least.
19.10 But Ra also speaks of the gradual raising of the bipedal forms upon your second-density level to third-density level.
14.3 Are these comments compatible? For example, if your grandparents or grandchildren were an entirely different species than you, would you consider that a gradual change or a very short
In any case, the bottom line is that in a normal transfiguration,
19.9 according to Ra, the physical forms of the second-density Earthlings gradually 14.3 transition to third-density human bodies.
Yahweh’s manipulation
However, Earth’s third-density physical vehicle did not follow a normal transfiguration. That evolutionary line was interrupted
2006.02 by Yahweh’s 2009.11 1989 9.7 genetic manipulation 18.18 2006 to create more intelligent and vigorous
bodies. 2023
The Martians’ previous bodies, having already evolved through half of a third-density cycle, 20.19 30.14 would have been far more modern than the ape-like Earth bodies. Compare today’s human form to the Neanderthal, for example. We hypothesize that the immigrant entities, who had created advanced weaponry and a complex civilization on Mars, judged the native body as too primitive and thus accelerated its development. Rather than allowing the body to naturally, gradually evolve — gain facial articulation, stand fully upright, fine-tune its dexterity, grow in mental capacity 2009.11 2006.03 and acuity, and speak more easily 2006.02 — Yahweh embarked upon an apparent shortcut, a physical solution to his judgment that the native body was not good enough.
The Martian entities were transferred 21.8 to the cloned bodies, 9.7 18.15 Ra states, melding the social memory complex of the guardian race and the Red Planet race.
9.9 Thus, entities incarnated in the image of the Yahweh entities.
The Ra material’s account can be interpreted as correlating with the biblical creation stories:
- Genesis 1
In this first creation story, over the course of seven daysGod created the heaven and the earth
andGod created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
1:1–2:2 - Genesis 2
The second creation story takes place an unspecified time after the original seven days. This round,the Lord God
— rather than simplyGod
— is at work. Although man and woman had already been created in the Genesis 1, for some reason nowthere was not a man to till the ground,
sothe Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
The Lord God planted the Garden of Eden, placed the man there, and formed Eve from Adam’s rib. 2:5–22 - Secret Book (Apocryphon) of John
In this Gnostic Christian text found at Nag Hammadi,all the angels and demons worked until they had constructed the natural body
for the man Adam that Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) wished to create.And their product was completely inactive and motionless for a long time,
until Yaldabaothblew into his face the spirit
without knowing —for he exists in ignorance
— that doing so would animate the body. P.304
Are the native Earthlings of the Ra material the humans of Genesis 1? Does Lord
indicate Yahweh, as many sources state? Do the breathing and blowing in Genesis 2 and Secret Book of John correspond with Ra’s statement that entities incarnated in the image of the Yahweh entities
? 18.15 Is the formation of Eve from Adam’s rib what Ra refers to as cloning? 18.20 9.7
The Yahwehan body became Earth’s standard form for terrestrial third-density. 2006.03 Q’uo states that the Earth natives chose the Yahwehan body after unspecified generations in ape-type forms, and that the immigrants from other planets also viewed the genetically-manipulated body of the former Martians to be the model more highly developed and easier to use, to the extent that the [ape-type] second-density bodies did not receive ensouled beings and simply reverted to second-density animals carrying second-density souls.
As Alice Bailey observes in 1936’s Esoteric Astrology,
Mars is definitely the planet which rules and controls the physical vehicle. P.210
Also telling is that the literal meaning of the name Adam is
P.25 according to perennialist René Guénon. Does this meaning refer to the color of the clay or dust from which Adam was formed, or does it allude to the Red Planet? Guénon connects the meaning to the Atlantean red,
red race,
which Q’uo links multiple times to the former Martians.
For the Earthlings, the non-Martian immigrants, and Wanderers, 16.59 the new physical vehicle carried with it a new ideology, since in stepping into the DNA of the Martian consciousness, the entities also melded their native archetypical mind with that of Yahweh. The Yahwehan archetypical mind became their (our) logos and the planetary logos of Earth. These physical, mental, and ideological changes have had lasting effects.
The Yahwehan logos profoundly affected Earth by making too many improvements on physical vehicles and creating pride and arrogance as a birthright of the new and improved human species,
according to Q’uo. You may still see those energies playing themselves out in your Earth world at this time.
Q’uo offers several points of comparison between the native Earthling and the Yahwehan. While the Earthlings sought peaceful means of resolving differences of opinion,
Q’uo states, the Yahwehans were inclined toward open hostility.
While the Earthlings recognized that all have a place in nature,
the Yahwehan attitude was that you may take whatever place you can defend and make it your own.
Q’uo also describes the Earthlings’ humble
nature compared to the Yahwehans’ arrogance,
2006.02 adding that the Yahwehans felt privileged and special. And they created within themselves an attitude of
2006.03better than.
Ra also speaks of those who viewed themselves as special and different,
attributing these biases to the genetic cloning. The one known as Yahweh felt a great responsibility to these entities.
Asking the listener to imagine the dismay and the regret
felt by Yahweh, Q’uo states that the beings did not advance in consciousness as was intended by the physical and mental enhancements. Instead, the entering entities of third density sought only to protect the clan, gather resources for the clan, and defend the clan against threat, the instinctual awareness of late second density.
Q’uo labels Yahweh’s manipulation a disaster where those who were somewhat superior mentally or physically simply became bellicose and worldly,
adding that the entity, whose name was described Yod-he-vau-heh, moves still in this density attempting insofar as it may to correct the damage it has done.
Abrahamic (Yahwehan) religions’ dogma, judgment, superiority complex, and fire-and-brimstone proselytizing are basically the end result
of Yahweh’s manipulations at the start of Earth’s third density, 2006.03 according to Q’uo.
Lessons not learned
Yahweh felt a great responsibility to these entities
affected by the genetic manipulation and resulting biases, Ra states. Some 3,300 years ago 24.6 Yahweh rebranded as Yod Heh Shin Vau Heh
24.9 and He comes
and began to send positively oriented philosophy.
24.6 However, Yahweh again attempted to correct ideological distortions through physical means: choosing to raise up entities which were superior.
According to the Ra material, Yod Heh Shin Vau Heh himself came among your people in form according to incarnate being and mated in the normal reproductive manner of your physical complexes, thus birthing a generation of much larger beings, these beings called
24.9 18.20Anak.
- Ra’s account appears to correspond with Genesis’ description that
there were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Upon encountering these beings, Moses’ men report, And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
Ra states that the experiment was a decided failure
because it was a great temptation to consider the so-called social complex or subcomplex as elite or different and better than other selves.
18.21 According to Genesis, Yahweh himself judged the results: Gen.6:4
God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. Gen.6:5–7
So Yahweh regrets his meddling, but instead of taking responsibility and learning from his mistakes, he scapegoats the wickedness of man.
The Ra material, meanwhile, blames Orion for inculcat[ing] the thoughts of the elite.
18.22–25 To balance the wickedness,
Yahweh once again pursues a physical solution: every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
Gen.7:4 Next, the flood.
The superiority complex of this second strain of genetically manipulated entities was balanced in part when they were targeted and thus became what you may call the underdogs,
Ra states, thereby letting the feelings of gratitude for their neighbors, their family, and their One Creator begin to heal the feelings of elitism which led to the distortions of power over others which had caused their own bellicosity.
They separated out one group from another in a way which the creative principle would never have done,
Q’uo observes regarding Yahweh’s. Why it did not occur to these guardian entities that this would involve war-like actions such as the slaughter of many innocents, we cannot say. However it was so that your history and the psychic energies of these groups of peoples were altered forever by this interference.
Heritage of Earth today
The heritage of today’s Earthlings has fluctuated over the course of the grand cycle. Gradual transfer during the past 75,000 years has brought over two billion entities from Maldek and approximately 1.9 billion from many portions of the creation,
59.5 according to Ra and Q’uo. A large number
of these entities are repeating the third-density cycle; 10.6 2005 the remainder are those who have experienced the first two cycles upon this sphere or who have come in at some point as Wanderers.
59.4–5 Ra’s information confirms Seth’s statement from a decade earlier:
Your human stock did not all originate solely from your planet.… In that respect your ancestry is indeed varied. S.604
Ra also specifies that there are three major planetary influences upon your planetary sphere, besides those of your own second-density derivation, and 13 minor planetary groups in addition to the above.
91.13 1997
Presumably, two of the three major planetary influences
are Mars and Maldek, 10.6 both of which were rendered unviable to support life.
2023 2005 Maldek, also referred to as Marduk and Tiamat, was destroyed by the use of the nuclear and crystal-powered weapons,
according to a Latwii channeling. 1986 The devastation that wracked their biosphere and caused its disintegration resulted from what you call war,
10.1 Ra states. Per the Phaeton hypothesis and per Q’uo, 1986 the asteroid belt is the remnants of Maldek.
Eracidni Murev Te suggests that Yahwehan man began on Maldek. 132 We believe it is likely that the same aggression that destroyed Maldek 21.5 then destroyed Mars’ atmosphere, and is now expressed on Earth. This history may be manifesting as the popular attraction to returning to Mars and rebuilding the planet’s atmosphere. Could this be a calling to correct the mistakes of the past, or to balance karma from lives on Maldek or Mars? Q’uo confirms this is so: 2005
- For there is a tremendous amount of what this instrument would call ‘group karma’ having to do with the fact that so many of those who are attempting to graduate from third density on planet Earth have, in the past, on Sirius, Deneb, Mars, Maldek or Atlantis, destroyed their environments. 2007
- Those entities from Mars are now working their way through their own type of feelings of having caused difficulty to their home planet, and now feel more desirous of aiding planet Earth in their own evolutionary process of seeking to balance the difficulties that they caused on Mars. 2023
Ra, too, states that the Martian heritage is still felt. The planetary influences from which those of Mars experience memory have some effect upon these third-density physical bodily complexes. This race has given its genetic material to many bodies upon your plane.
64.14 The inclination of some humans toward a 25-hour diurnal cycle, per Don’s question, may be another example of this, since the Martian day is about 40 minutes longer than Earth’s.
Earth has long been a melting pot for those seeking third-density experience — especially among those who must repeat the cycle,
10.6 as Ra and others state. The population of your planet, as you are aware, is drawn from many other third-density planets which have gone through the 75,000 year cycle of third density with the majority of the population failing to make the harvest and needing to find another third-density sphere upon which to incarnate,
Q’uo adds, [so] that another attempt may be made to achieve fourth-density harvest.
2019 2002 1997