The source of the service
It's from Oahspe
To understand why the L/L Research service polarity is a distortion, it can help to consider the source. This concept did not originate with Ra or any other L/L channeling.
The concept of a 51% STO requirement originiated in Oahspe: A New Bible, an American dentist’s 1882 automatic writing of the Words of Jehovih.
Carla extensively quoted Oahspe in the L/L Research publications Voices of the Confederation (drafted 1975; published 2016) and Secrets of the UFO (1977), the latter of which includes this Oahspe excerpt:
Jehovih had so made man and angels that, whosoever had learned to abnegate self and to labor for the good of others, was already above grade fifty, and his ascension should be perpetual thereafter; whilst they that were below grade fifty, who had not put away self, should gravitate downward, toward the earth. P.205
Carla brought this doctrine, in which ascension is awarded for 51% service to others, from Oahspe to the Ra material. 17.31–33
It’s a retooling of the Old Testament doctrine of salvation by works: obey Jehovah’s commandments and thou wilt be saved; disobey and thou wilt be damned. Now, with percentages!
Distortions distort
But why would the channel of one of the highest expressions of metaphysics — the Ra material — cling to these obvious distortions? Isn't it obvious that the spiritual is the source of the physical, not the other way around? Even most Christians interpret Jesus and the apostles as having debunked the concept of salvation by works a millennia ago. And what Creator would command, much less reward, the abnegation (renouncing, rejecting) of self? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of Creation as the way to know or experience Self?
Yet, in this mundus inversus, these upside-down beliefs can persist from a channel into the Q’uo and Ra material and be embraced by readers without discernment. How does this happen? Distortions breed distortions; that's how.
- Carla espoused salvation by service because she believed that service was her own salvation. She held a lifelong distortion that she was unworthy 12.31 103.8 and could atone for this original sin by dedicating herself to the service of others, even and especially to the point of martyrdom. 44.1 92.3 100.3 103.4 Jim stated that from childhood Carla
had the very strong desire to be of service to others,
andfelt so sure that she would never really be able to be of service that by the age of thirteen she prayed that she might die.
After being offered that opportunity and choosing instead to live, according to Jim's retelling of Carla's personal lore, her dedication was such thatno force could hinder her return to service once she made that choice.
P.106 - Carla accepted salvation-by-works because she never parted from her Abrahamic beliefs. Even while channeling Ra, Carla never let metaphysics get in the way of her religion. She stated that
I have always been a Christian, and I continued being a Christian to Don’s complete befuddlement.
P.52 She tuned toJesus the Christ,
P.15 chose a Bible as one of her Ra contact appurtenances (the book most closely aligned with the instrument's mental distortions
), 2.6 brought her channeling work to her church’severy bishop and every priest,
and asserted thatRa specifically supported my way of worship.
P.453–4 Many Ra readers share Carla’s convictions, predisposing them, also, to Christianity-based distortions. - Carla's personal distortions infiltrated her channelings because she had the free will to continue believing as she wished. That is, she had
the right to know, not know, experience, or not experience, that [she] is the Creator.
07 It wasn’t Ra’s place to force Carla to recognize that she was already and always perfect and worthy; neither could Ra will Carla to discern that distortions of the service polarity. Only Carla could choose to let go of her false beliefs. And just like any of us who cling to beliefs that don't serve us, Carla could not see the truth about worthiness or service even if it slapped her in the face, because she hadn't yet made that choice. Still, Ra dropped ample hints, both addressing the distortions 93.3 100.9 and offering the undistorted truth.
And so, the L/L Research channelings are riddled with service polarity concepts as probably their most significant distortion — and certainly the largest distortion in Ra discourse, since discussion board conversations focus on service almost exclusively. Not surprising when readers believe that service is the path to God.
Two paths
Carla’s version of the service polarity diverges from Oahspe’s on one important point. While Oahspe states that those who don’t make the grade gravitate downward, toward the earth,
Carla instead proposed parallel ascending paths toward the Creator, a near-eternal war in heaven in which the increasingly powerful forces of evil battle the forces of good, until the white knights reign victorious in late sixth density. 36.12 Is this metaphysics, in which “there is only unity,” where “in truth there is no right or wrong,” where “there is no polarity,” 1.7 or is this the Crusades?
Could it be that on this point, Oahspe is less distorted than the Ra material? Never thought I’d type those words, but here we are. There are two paths to the Creator, but they sure as hell aren’t service to others and service to self. Rather, we can become the Creator
74.11 by raising (ascending) our vibration to encompass more and more of the All, or by lowering (descending) our vibration — also back to the All, paradoxically. The alpha is the omega. 52.12