Santa Claus, or the Matrix

The canvas

The Creator — each of us — desires to know self. We wish to deepen our knowledge of self from theoretical concepts into experiential knowledge. So we created physicality (3rd density) as the mechanism through which we may know experientially.

Physicality works by making the invisible visible. Just as the artist translates ideas into a painting, we express the unseen within us into what we experience as the external world. Physicality is the canvas onto which we project our ideas about self, where they can be known experientially.

An unseen template

Our initial ideas about self could be thought of as a paint-by-numbers outline on our canvas. This template represents our beginning assumptions, our beliefs about who we are and how reality works. Ra calls this the Matrix. 78.34

The three Matrix cards together represent the beginning beliefs of this logos, that is, the version of 3rd density that we are experiencing. The Matrix distortions are the generalized lessons faced by everyone in this 3rd density. These beginning beliefs are actually deceptions, misunderstandings, limitations — not knowledge. We might also think of them as the characteristics of the local veil. Just like a child must evolve beyond his earliest ideas, we each must unravel foundational distortions (personal, planetary, solar, etc). The first step is becoming aware of them in the first place.

Matrix deception

Santa Claus is an example of a Matrix-level distortion. In truth the only authority is our own spirit, but in Santa Claus we instead accept an external authority’s rules about how we should and shouldn’t act: good or bad, naughty or nice. We then identify not only our actions as good or bad, but our very self. To reap rewards and to avoid punishment and shame, we attempt to control our self according to what is ‘good’; in so doing we condemn our own spirit as demonic, since the spirit is free of external judgments of right or wrong and does not heed such false judgments.

When we are children, Santa Claus is unexamined reality. As we grow up, we realize that Santa Claus is a belief — and if we are thinking critically, we see further that Santa Claus is a deception.

The Santa Claus concept complex closely aligns with the Matrix of the Mind, Body, and Spirit of this 3rd density logos. False authority, false judgment, false devil: these are the patterns of this logos. Once we awaken to these archetypes, we see them everywhere.


With this realization we clear our canvas. We free our self from the deception that was meant to control, to make us be ‘good.’ We might think of this as a tapping of the Potential (or Potentiator, to use Ra's term), because in removing the Matrix’s deception we have broadened our spectrum of possibility, reclaimed the infinite potential that our false belief had limited.

Our true potential is unlimited, just as God's potential is unlimited. God (or the All, or whatever reference you prefer) is unlimited, undefined, infinite. Every definition, every deception is a limitation of our knowledge of the self (and of the world, since the world is within the self). Each step in the progression from the Matrix to the higher cards of the Tarot’s major arcana is an enlightening, a removal of limitation, a step toward the experiential knowing of the self as the Absolute. This is how we know the self.