The pretender

We are of two minds. The spirit-mind knows only truth. The body-mind sees only illusion.

The body-mind is the perceiver of thoughts and sensory data. When operating at its highest potential, the body-mind is capable of accurate observation of the manifested world. Observation, no matter how free of bias, is not knowledge.

Nevertheless, the body-mind’s usual operation is pretending that it knows. The body-mind is the charlatan of the Matrix of the Mind card. Until we choose otherwise, we're captivated by the charlatan's game of cups, the sleight of hand, the endless hustling.

Neurosurgeon Theodore Schwartz described the body-mind's operation in an interview with Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air:

A person will behave in a particular way based on something that’s unconsciously being processed in their mind. If you ask them, Why did you do that? Why did you behave that way? they will make up a story to make sense of it based on something else that's going on around them.

The body-mind is not capable of knowing, and is terrified to not know. So it pretends to know. It tells itself it is in control, and that it acts from reason. It lies — first and foremost, to the self. It pretends it is the spirit-mind.

Access to the spirit-mind requires that we stop pretending that we know. We must relinquish the illusion of control, of reasons, of explanations, and instead trust our inner guidance, knowing that it alone is perfect.